Why we love water...

Why we love water 

Water, is a thing of wonder

The forms it takes, the shapes it fills... 

Placid lakes, bouncing brooks, 

Wide open seas and rivers down hills; 

Flowing, frozen , waves, rain drops that splatter

Mist and vapour , hail stones, caps of ice

Water is a joy, in all states of matter

An experience for all the senses

Watch rain drops climb up a car window 

Smell the earth as the first rains come to stay 

Stick a head out to feel the rain on your face

Contentment, is swig of water on a hot day

Salty, sticky waters, lap eager feet on a beach

Rapids sway a raft down mountain rivers

Meandering falls amidst the hills like silver threads

A dunk in a freezing lake sends cold shivers

Still waters reflect the night stars, 

A sea dive shows life in all its glory

Every wave has a reason its own, 

Every bubble , a story

Us humans on land feel we reign supreme 

When water holds more life than we know 

The one true elixir , the basis of life and birth 

Ironic we trace water on Mars

And show scant respect for it on Earth 

We take for granted, the ones we love

Often seduced to delve in the past

Don't savour the small joys or be grateful for all we have

Love isn't appreciated when its abundant

The yearning comes when it is lost

Lost to time, or lost to lack of care 

Is it the same for water?

The search begins when it is no longer there

It is amazing how much love and water share 

Forever precious, often abused, and when lost, sought after

Like all of nature, it is not too little, too late

Earth is still three fourths water 

Just  a long  hard wait 

To learn to preserve, share and respect 

As the most evolved species

Does it not rest on our shoulders 

To maintain natures gentle balance ? 

To take responsibility , to own up 

Isn't the earth our biggest inheritance ? 

Every small step matters ; change starts at home 

Just like drops make the ocean 

And small winds whip up a storm; 

Water is not ours to own, just to borrow 

Let us take pride in small steps of action,

Only action sparks hope, for a better tomorrow. 


  1. Replies
    1. Sandy. Thank you so much . So good to hear from you. How are you doing

  2. Poetic and soul searching...like the ironical part about looking for water on Mars...you should try to get this published through newspaper to raise awareness.


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